Tuesday 1 August 2017


On the first day of our holiday, we travelled a few miles up the coast to Tywyn - we always tend to look out for sandy beaches on our jaunts so the boys can have a good walk/ run/ swim in the morning, and then we can do some sightseeing/ shopping in the afternoons when the boys are worn out and asleep!  I had been here before on my coastal walk, but didn't remember much about it at all, except for the graveyard we passed en route, so I stopped for a wander there on the way home and to take some photos and reminisce about the first time I'd been there twelve years ago now!
Tywyn is a strange little place - there's not much there at all and it looked a little neglected really which is sad, because the beach is lovely.  Perhaps people are drawn to those mountains instead in the distance?
It wasn't the best day so we didn't see too many other people - although those are some of the best days, when you get a place to yourself.
I love these pictures of Sid, just standing and taking it all in!
As mentioned above, I remember the graveyard because it's set in farmland and I think it was the first time I'd ever seen a farmer on a quad bike with the sheepdog in the back!   I remember thinking at the time that it was a very efficient way of herding!

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