Friday 25 August 2017

Wisley RHS Garden

On a warm Spring day - Easter Sunday to be precise - I drove down to Surrey to collect Mary and off we went to Wisley.  Since getting RHS membership from Mum and Dad for Christmas, I've been on a mission this year to use my admission card as much as possible.  Being late spring, it was the perfect opportunity to see azaleas, rhododendrons, tree peonies and tulips.
I haven't been to Wisley for years, so it was all new to me - I think I worked out that it might even be twenty-five years since my last visit!  Wisley has a number of small gardens within it, with great ideas of what to do with limited space.
Some of the structures were wonderful.   They also have a lovely orchard area, showcasing loads of different fruit bushes.
The glass houses were definitely not around when I last visited! 
We were fascinated by all the different orchids growing in mid air.
I sometimes take photos of plant labels if it's something I want to remember.  I loved these beautiful pink flowers, but don't think I have the correct conditions in my garden to grow them!  In fact, it was so warm and sultry in the glass house, that Mary steamed up!
We headed back outdoors for some fresh air and a wander around the ponds.
I love tulips!  Just as well really as there were thousands of them! 
These looked beautiful with all the forget-me-nots dotted amongst them.

A fabulous day but next time we might go when the shop is open, although that could be much more dangerous!

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