Saturday 5 August 2017

Odds and Sods - July 2017

July has flown past - Andy, Finn and I had a lovely holiday in Dorset in the first week of the month, to be written up in posts to follow (when I get around to it!), and the rest of the month has been taken up by mostly gardening and socialising.

My RHS certificate arrived showing I had passed my first two exams and to celebrate I acquired a new Trollbead for my collection!
Andy and I were shown amazing customer service by Winsor Bishop, a very exclusive jewellers in Norwich when they took a wee bit longer than anticipated to fix his Rolex - a lovely bottle of pink champagne.  Yum!
We've been to the Antiques Show out at the Norfolk showground and came home with this handsome cabinet.
I've finally bottled up half of the beech leaf noyau - still another few kilner jars stewing away.
I'm clearly having a mid life crisis as I had my hair coloured again just before my birthday - just in case any grey decides to show through!
And a couple of weeks ago, we had a very pleasant evening over with Ed and Chris to celebrate their new garden, pond and hot tub! 
And, as always, it's all about Finn ...

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