Friday 9 August 2019

Odds and Sods - July 2019

July has been so hot that I haven't really wanted to move about very much.  In addition, I need to have some minor surgery which was scheduled in a few weeks ago - at which point I cancelled all my gardening jobs as I need a wee bit of recovery time.   However, on arriving at the hospital, I was notified that my Consultant had taken some last minute annual leave so I was sent home!  (I suppose I should have been outraged but, as I work for the NHS, I'm all too well aware that our Consultants at work do this all the time.)   Anyhoo, as it's so hot and I'm feeling so uncomfortable I haven't rebooked my gardening jobs - I will be back working outside mid September, all being well.

In the meantime, I've been doing LOTS of knitting - I'm cracking on with birthday and Christmas presents already, and am being very productive.

This is the temperature blanket - and because we've had such high temperatures, I'm looking forward to some very hot colours when I eventually get to catch up with it!

This is Mum's cardigan - to match Dad's cardigan.  When I originally ordered the wool for Dad's cardi, I managed to get the wrong colour and I really wasn't sure he'd go for a purply colour with pink flecks in it!   That's when I had a lightbulb moment and decided to make them one each.  (They've both since been delivered for their birthdays and they seem very pleased with them.)

While these buttons don't match exactly, I found them at Fibre East wool festival and thought they were beautiful.  Luckily, Mum thinks so too.  

Speaking of Fibre East, my purchases this year were much more restrained than last year.

My fair isle obsession continues and I am now making mittens as Christmas presents with specific recipients in mind.  However, I'm also putting them on Folksy and then, if they don't sell on there, I'm taking them to the craft fair that we're doing in November.  If I sell them, then I will have Christmas money spends for buying gifts and, if I don't sell them, then the original recipient gets them as planned.   It's all a bit stressful for me as I normally like to have everything sorted ages in advance so I have a relaxing run up to the festivities, with feet up, sherry and mince pies!   I'm torn between wanting to sell them but also not wanting to schlep around Norwich two weeks before Christmas!

I've also been working at the sewing machine, making seat covers for the Caravan of Love.   The plan is to make a couple of sets so that, whenever I'm down there, I can swop the clean ones over and bring the dirty ones home to wash, much as I do with the bedding.  

And I've been a domestic goddess in the kitchen too - cooking and baking with my own home grown ingredients - blackberry crumble and flans which include my courgettes.  

Finn, bless him, has also been suffering a bit from the heat and we've been having lots of afternoon snoozes together, which I love!

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