Sunday 28 July 2019


One weekend last June I had a weekend down in Bristol with Andy while Amanda very kindly looked after Finn for me back at home.   My trip was primarily to attend the village music festival (bigger and better than it sounds!) which really wouldn't work if we'd had Finn with us - too many people, too much noise, Mum and Dad drinking too much and dancing like loons, etc.   It would really not have worked!

As the festival didn't start until late Saturday afternoon, I badgered Andy (with the help of the locals who helped me!) into taking me to Bath for a few hours as I'd never been and it's on my list of things to do.  

Andy had actually been to the Baths before but was very happy to go again - it certainly was fascinating and we spent ages there, in the museum, underneath the baths and just hanging around in the sunshine.

So tempting to have a paddle but strictly no feet or hands in the water!

Such a fascinating place to visit, but we were conscious that we needed to head back to site, so we headed out to have a wander around the city, using the really useful "you are here" signs placed strategically at crossroads around the city.

The buildings are fascinating.

Being a gardener, I was so impressed with the basements that had been filled with greenery.

Even in such small spaces, the planting is beautiful.
I used to live in a basement flat in Hastings and really wish I'd been into gardening then - I probably only had as much space as this and it's so lush.

It's clear that one day in Bath is not enough, so it remains on my to do list for more exploration in the future.

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