Sunday 21 July 2019

Bird Box

We have finally got the bird box up on the shed - only thirteen months after I made it!   But as I look at it while I'm doing the washing up, it strikes me that the hole is really not very big at all so I'm not sure if anything will be able to get in and out?   The instructions clearly state that the hole should fit a family of blue tits.  Given that it's not been up long - certainly way past the time the birds would be nesting - there seems no point in checking it this year.  Perhaps we'll leave it for a whole year to see if anything happens and if we've had no activity this time next year, then I might drill the hole out a bit bigger?

I was really anti this task at college last year but we needed to do it as part of the sustainability module.   I had a proper strop.   However, when I got going, I really enjoyed it and felt a bit of a fool for my tantrum earlier!

It was a really collaborative project, with everyone helping everyone else.  It was great fun.

Don't we all look pleased with ourselves?!

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