Friday 12 July 2019

Hethersett Plant Fair

I do realise that I'm frequently banging on about never typing up posts quickly enough and here is a case in point - this was fourteen months ago!  (However, due to a surgical procedure next week, I've got some enforced sick leave coming up - hopefully I'll feel up to typing up a few blog posts and hopefully catching up somewhat!)

While at college last year, I signed up for free with a number of local gardening groups - but, for the life of me, I cannot remember the names of most of them, which is a terrible admission.  Last year, while studying, gardening and learning about plants was all consuming - now that college is finished and I'm using my knowledge practically for all my garden customers, it would appear that everyone has exactly the same plants in their gardens, so I only really need to know about quite a small number of shrubs.  And, of course, the internet is a wonderful thing so I can look up anything if I need to.  One of the gardening groups I signed up with - Heritage, I think? - hold two plant fairs a year so I took Mum and Dad along to the spring fair.

I seem to recall this is where Dad went a bit mad and bought a load of hollyhocks and anemones!   

There were about twenty local plant nurseries exhibiting and it's always really useful to speak to the experts who are so keen to share their knowledge with the punters.

I really must do something about signing up for membership again, albeit at a charge now I'm no longer a student!

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