Sunday 16 February 2020


Back in July 2018, Finn and I had a trip to Glastonbury for a hill walk.   (I've since been back to Glastonbury on a sunny Sunday morning and I can confirm that it's absolutely heaving with people, so I now realise how lucky Finn and I were to walk up the tor seeing only a handful of people.)

On the way up to the tor, Finn was very much on lead as we were surrounded by sheep.  However, on the way down on the other side, he was off the lead as there were no sheep and the steps were so steep that I was worried he'd pull me over!

The views from the top were magnificent - such a fabulous day and so lucky to have it all to ourselves.

It was a very warm day, so we were very pleased to see that we had a shady walk back to the start of the walk.

A fab walk, but I would definitely recommend a week day outside of school holidays for this, unless you want to be hemmed in!

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