Saturday 15 February 2020

Other People's Gardens - January 2020

As I type this, I'm waiting for the ravages of Storm Dennis, following Storm Ciara last week - no doubt I will be out in the garden later trying to rescue bins and plants, but for now, I'm looking back at the very few photos I took of other people's gardens back in January.

I'm always really intrigued by this tree - it's like the biggest bay tree you've ever seen!   The branches are fabulous and I'm almost sad it's an evergreen so that I can't see the tree's structure without its leaves!  It's easily ten feet tall - I will try and get some photos to show the perspective and real size of it- I've actually taken this photo merely by standing underneath it. 

In this same garden, the hellebores were about to burst through - sadly I haven't been back to see them as I'm sure they're in full flower now.  This plant has made me think I need to research hellebores more - in some gardens I work in, the flowers are above the leaves and I can't work out if that's because they're different varieties, or whether I should be chopping the leaves back to show off the flowers.  More homework needed.

This obviously isn't a garden that I work in, but these are the fields next to the house and garden I work in so it sort of counts!  It's certainly part of my commute anyway!

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