Sunday 9 February 2020

Seeds and Stuff - January 2020

I am typing this on the day we have Storm Ciara - and she's a devil!  Finn and I are hunkering down and staying safe and warm, although I have had to go out and rescue my wheelie bins as they were flying up the road.   I've lost the lid of my water butt out in the front garden so I will just have to get some wood to put on the top and weigh it down with a brick, but, so far, we've lost no plants or fence panels!

The garden actually isn't looking too bad at the moment - plenty of greenery out there.

I've been ordering seeds and seed potatoes.  The potatoes are chitting away nicely in the outhouse and I have seeds growing away on windowsills - the tomatoes and leeks are doing really well, but the carrots and lobelia are doing nothing.

I've been tidying and chopping back in the garden.

I filled up the brown bin with passion flower which revealed a bird house I had forgotten that Andy had made for me by hollowing out an old log.

I'm pleased to see it was definitely used last year - I can just see some of the grasses inside it - exciting stuff!

And while I've been prepping for this year, I've also been harvesting last year's crops and eating - I am going to grow my Pink Fir Apple spuds again this year - they are so tasty and not a variety that you can buy in local supermarkets either.

Feeling very excited about the garden this year!

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