Sunday, 2 February 2020

Odds and Sods - January 2020

2020!  And I'm typing this at the beginning of February!  How is this happening?  I wish time would slow down a bit.

It's been a grim old month - as you would expect for this time of year - but I've been out and about, doing some walking and garden visiting.  And I've already worked in other people's gardens as there's plenty to do out there.  When I've not been outside, I've been hunkering down with Finn, doing lots of knitting.  I got a new 'phone just before Christmas and, while I know I need to buy a screen protector - having dropped my previous 'phone too many times - I made a sparkly sock for it instead!  This will protect it from nothing!  So I still need to buy a screen protector, but this is a pretty alternative for now.

I have been making - and now finished - a feral scarf for a birthday present.  I'm thrilled with the way this has turned out as it's been made from all the scraps left over from the Christmas present mittens.  Gorgeous.  

I've also done some sewing up - a repair job on these two scarves which are so well worn, it's fab!  I was handed these back just before Christmas by the two owners (aged ten and six!) and asked very politely if I could mend them.   I love that they wear them so much that they need mending.

We've had some beautifully sunny days, but it's been very cold too - but it is January after all!  This is one of morning views on my walk to work.

Finn is OK, getting old now bless him and quite stiff and not so active.   But we still have our walk each day - only around the block nowadays, but he still seems to love going out and gets quite grumpy if we don't go for any reason - fireworks mainly.  They have made me so cross this autumn and winter - there have been way too many of them and it's heartbreaking to see Finn getting so upset by them.   We even had some Friday and yesterday - presumably for Brexit.  As if that hadn't made me cross enough!

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