Tuesday 18 June 2013


Sometimes I get all bubbly and hopeful and happy without even knowing why.  The silliest little things make me happy - while walking home, a young girl walked past me wearing the loveliest floral perfume.  And then, when I got home from work, I dashed outside to get the washing in - that made me happy because I managed to get it in before the forecast rain.  And the smell of it!  From now on , I will only ever buy Tescos own brand summer meadow fabric conditioner.  It's beautiful.  And then, while getting the washing in, the orangey peachey coloured roses kept me happy for ages - the smell is very delicate but the flowers are such a gorgeous colour and have multiplied overnight it seems.

Flowers make me happy, whether they're indoors or out.  I'm so lucky to be able to see the flowers in the garden from my living room.  If I didn't see them, then I would probably cut them to bring them indoors.  But they are left in situ.  These chrysanthemums were given to me by Andy weeks ago now and they're still going strong.  And I've noticed some more flowers on the gerbera.  Gorgeous.

Finn makes me happy - he's such a nutcase!  This photo was taken yesterday when Amanda came round with Sid.  Finn was protecting me I think - he gets so jealous that he doesn't like me to make a fuss of Sid.  What a baby!  (Typical - in my pyjamas by about seven in the evening!)

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