Monday 24 June 2013

Summer Solstice

This weekend has been more autumnal than summery, but that didn't stop us having another lovely camping trip.  This time we ventured to a village called Stanwell Moor, very near to Heathrow airport - and less than a mile's walk from where Andy stays during the week.  This is proper wild camping - no facilities, no loos, etc.  So it's a fifteen minute walk for me if I need to go and use some "facilities" - unless I'm feeling quite brave and dash into the bushes.  Too many anglers about this weekend though for that sort of malarkey!

I haven't set foot outside the tent very much to be truthful as it's been very cold - but lovely and toasty and cosy in the bivvy.  As long as I have the things around me that I need, I'm very happy.  A warm fleece, some magazines, some wool and needles, plenty of tea and coffee, Finn laying on my feet.  I love it.
Perversely, I usually always sit outside the tent in the evenings, the coldest part of the day.  The light isn't so good for knitting or crochet or reading, and Andy's generally cooking - barbecues are "man's work" apparently - so that's our time for sitting outside the tent, chatting, drinking wine and laughing together. 

Andy did manage to catch a couple of pike this weekend - maybe about three or four pounds each - and, at one point, he started to use a new technique I've never seen before ..... calling the fish to him.  "Come on fish, come to yer Dad."  I only hope the fishies understand Northern! 

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