Monday 17 June 2013


Finn and I have been to Holkham today, one of my favourite - and I'm assuming, Finn's - walks in North Norfolk.  I try not to go at the weekends because it can get busy, but now I don't work on Mondays, it's perfect to go up there on my days off in the week. 

We park up at Wells beach car park and then walk through the woods along the back of the beach, before heading up to the beach at Holkham at Lady Anne's Drive.  One of my favourite bits is as we come out of the woods onto the beach.  This can also be the most anxious bit of the walk too - it's only then that you see how many people/ dogs/ horses are on the beach and when I need to start making risk assessments in my head about how to keep Finn under control.  No problem today though - the beach was practically empty!

I only saw two horses on the beach this morning but they were some way off.  I understand that the Household Cavalry occasionally ride out over the sands - and I've certainly seen that on Sundays when the beach has maybe a dozen or so horses.  Finn did find something to roll in - I couldn't see if it was seaweed, a dead seal (it has been known before - horrid dog) or some royal horse poo.  Whatever it was, he was having a right old birthday.
We had a lovely paddle - it wasn't as cold as I'd anticipated.  It's been a weird day - quite overcast and quite fresh too. 

And it did start to rain a little bit, but not enough to stop us having a sit down to watch the world go by.  I was trying to work out the colours in my head - I have an idea of something seasidey creative, but the colours don't come out very true on my camera.  I spent ages sitting and trying to work out exactly what colour sand is.  Everywhere I looked, it was different, depending on whether it was wet sand, whether there were clouds overhead or whether in sunshine.  Why is sand colour so complicated to capture?

As we headed back to the car, we walked past the beach huts at Wells Next The Sea.  The colours of the huts are every colour imaginable - there is no subtlety here!

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