Monday 29 December 2014

Finn's 5th Anniversary

On 13 December, Finn and I celebrated our fifth anniversary!   I can't believe it's five years since he came to us from the Dogs' Trust Rehoming Centre in Snetterton.  We've had mostly ups but a few downs - even after five years, he can still behave a little bit unpredictably so I have to have my wits about me constantly with him.  We've no idea how old he is - we think eight or nine - because he was a stray, the rescue centre couldn't tell us anything about him at all, except that he was found in County Cork in Ireland.  Which is why he has an Irish name!  He was actually called Johnnie by the rescue centre, but they advised me to give him a new name for his new life.  I wanted to pick a huge name for him so I named him after Finn McCool, the mythical Irish giant.

I think it rather suits him!

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