Wednesday 31 December 2014

Here Come The Girls!

One Sunday in the middle of December - what seems a lifetime ago now, but which was in fact only three weeks! - the female Figgest descendants met at Covent Garden for Sunday lunch and a catch up.

I was trying to work out the last time (and, for some of us, the first time also) we met and thought it was only eighteen months ago.  However, it turned out to be two and a half years ago - blimey!   So, an assortment of cousins, sisters, aunts, etc, made their way to London for the big day - sadly, Sandra was not well, so there were only nine of us - but we made enough noise for more!

Now, those photos above are the ones I took - I was way too excited and giddy and enjoying myself to take many photos!  So I've "borrowed" some of the photos from the girls below - I really hope they don't mind.

We had the obligatory shot of Sheila's god-daughters.   And of course one of us with our fairy godmother ...

I love this photo above - they all look very angelic - haha!

Sadly, the afternoon went way too quickly and it wasn't long before we were having the mandatory group shots outside the restaurant and showing ourselves up in front of everyone, including the daftest "selfie" I've ever had the pleasure of being involved in!

So, a lovely, lovely day and I really think we ought to give ourselves a collective kick up the backside to at least meet once a year!  Kerri is getting married in December 2015 so what about a November meet and a bit of a "hen" do, girls?!!

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