Friday 2 January 2015

Christmas 2014

Andy and I had our Christmas a few days before everyone else - we just can't wait!   I took a couple of days of work so we had a lovely long weekend, which seemed to be taken up mostly by food, as the following photos will testify.  We did manage one evening out, but, mostly we stayed in and enjoyed each other's company.  

It wouldn't have been a normal weekend without the odd domestic disaster of course - Andy constantly tells me I only want him for his DIY skills!   And I obliged by getting locked out of the larder with no access to fridge/freezer, chest freezer or Finn's food for a couple of days before Andy's arrival.  By the time I arrived home from work on the Friday evening, the larder had been broken into and normal service was resumed. Oh, and, while I'm not that bothered about having an ancient TV and waiting half an hour for it to warm up enough for a picture, or sound, and sometimes even both at the same time, this really was Simply Not Good Enough.   So on the Saturday morning, I had a brand new TV and the Virgin Media men were called out to come and sort out the digibox.   Result!   

On the Saturday evening, we had a pub tour of Norwich with a lovely meal at Bill's in the city.   

And, on the Sunday morning, Finn and I walked to work to collect my car which I'd left overnight, while Andy cooked the Christmas lunch - slight role reversal there, but it suits us both very well! 

Dinner didn't last very long!   And it was delicious.  So nice to have my very own chef.  Who even made loads extra for our Boxing Day meal of bubble and squeak with poached egg the following day.

I'm a very lucky girl indeed.

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