Wednesday 21 January 2015

Tada! "Sunday Teatime" Wave Blanket

The colours for this blanket were originally supposed to be pinks and purples as I knew Katherine and Jessica both love those colours, but, unfortunately, Stylecraft don't do fifteen different shades of pink and purple.   So I supplemented them with some grey, some silver and a beautiful gold colour, which I was really not sure about.  (In the end, it was the cream colour I wasn't sure about - the gold worked beautifully!)

I started this blanket back at home in Norwich after returning from holiday, although I had taken all the wool with me just in case I got the seaside coloured one finished.  I really underestimated how much time these would take and, in fact, was intending to make another double bed sized blanket for Christmas too.  That has now been put on hold and will be a birthday present instead this year!

I was unsure about the stitch count for this.  It became apparent during the blue and green blanket that I had cast on way too many stitches and the rows weren't as deep as I'd anticipated.  However, if you turn the blanket sideways so the waves are vertical, it's exactly double bed size.   And because I loved the effect of the vertical waves, I decided to work to the same principle with this one too.

I love this blanket - I'm usually drawn to blues and greens, but this one really sung to me.   I was completely stumped for a name though - I just couldn't get it, until I saw the cover of the Lakeland Christmas brochure.

And then I got it!  These colours remind me of cakes, jellies, jam, trifles, fireside, pilchards on toast, Sunday teatime epitomised!

1 comment:

  1. This blanket is superb, and it is great to hear it's story too. with love from one very lucky godchild Katherine (and little sister Jessica) xxx
