Thursday 8 January 2015


Crikey, it's turned colder - to the extent that I've had to resort to long johns for the first time in ages. Long johns serve two purposes as far as I'm concerned - primarily obviously for warmth, but also to provide extra padding in the event that I slide over on the ice. A not uncommon experience for me I'm sad to say. No balance!  

Last weekend was particularly icy - beautiful but freezing.   Bright blue skies and glorious sunshine. Finn and I headed out, fully intending to have a walk over the marshes. However, to get to the marshes, there is a sharp descent through the woods on tarmac first before the path levels out. Bearing in mind how slippery it was and having nearly gone over twice just getting to the top of the incline, our route was changed towards the park instead.   A much shorter walk, but a much safer one - grass is much less slippery than pavements.

Finn loves rolling in frost - I think it must be very refreshing for him. And I think he probably doesn't really care where he walks - I like to take him to new places so that he can explore, but he seems as happy in the park at the top of the road as he is if I take him somewhere a bit more special.   He's very easily pleased, which makes life very easy for me.

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