Friday 5 December 2014

Hyde Hall RHS Gardens

Last weekend, I spent a lovely day with my friend Lori wandering around Hyde Hall gardens in Essex.   Quite a fair bit of the five hours we had there were spent in the cafe and the shop - but it was very cold, so we were well entitled to seek out a bit of warmth!

I had wanted to visit these gardens for ages and, as I was long overdue seeing Lori who lives in Essex, it seemed the perfect opportunity.   Lori had been on the Visit Essex website and had found a two for one admission ticket so we couldn't really not go then.  Of course, there weren't many flowers in bloom, but the autumn colours were stunning and we were really lucky with bright blue skies and sunshine.

We've already planned to go back next summer to see the plants in all their glory, but it was a lovely day out and we even managed to get some Christmas shopping while there!

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