Friday 26 June 2015

May Flowers - 2015

Two things strike me as I write this - the first is that I'm so behind with the posts, it's not true. The second is exactly how many photos I manage to take of my garden! I had been taking garden photos for my monthly Seeds and Stuff post, but it's become apparent, since everything has started flowering, that I had way too many photos for that monthly update. I've been delighted so far with the way the garden is looking this year - I think I say that every year it's more beautiful than ever, but this year it just IS.

This azalea is one of the very few plants left in the garden by the lady who lived here before me.

Self seeded aquilegias - from the original seeds that came from Maria's garden in north Wales.

And more self seeded aquilegias.  These seeds came from Mary and Jim's garden in Coulsdon in Surrey.

Since I chopped down the solanum at the bottom of the garden, it's started flowering again - so pretty.


This was a cutting (or, rather, it was a bit that had dropped off the main plant!) of Mum and Dad's tamarisk at their house at Bacton on the north Norfolk coast.

This lilac was a cutting that came from a garden show at Brundall in Norfolk - I didn't have very high hopes for it, but it's gorgeous.

This rose - also a legacy of the previous residents of this house - has had lots more buds on it than it usually does.  It's the first rose to flower in the garden and smells gorgeous. It's always really exciting when it appears as I know that spring is well and truly under way.

I don't usually like geraniums but I actually bought this one, because of the colour.

This clematis was a birthday present from my friend Michele back in 2011 - it's much deeper purple than the photo suggests. It's currently being trained up the pergola - the flowers are enormous though so I'm wondering whether it might not be better somewhere else in the garden? This is the beauty of having everything in pots - I can just pick them up and move them.

The Bridge of Sighs rose is just gorgeous - so many buds on it - all the roses in the garden are beautiful this year, I'm wondering whether the weather has been better for them. Not too much rain, but not the warmest weather either.

My foxglove obsession continues! These have all now self seeded in the front and back gardens - I had originally sown them as seeds in pots in the outhouse, but don't remember them being terribly successful. However, their descendents are taking over the place - I do love them though, so don't try to uproot them at all!

And these are the climbing hydrangeas which are currently roaming over the front of the house. These originally came to this house in pots from where I lived before. Since coming out of the pots and being planted straight into the garden, they've really taken off.

So, that's the May flowers covered. As I write this, it's the end of June and there has been so many more developments in the garden - it really is stunning out there.

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