Saturday 6 June 2015


I have lots of days out and about with Mum and Dad, or Mum on her own, but recently I spent a very rare day with Dad on our own. We were despatched to Swaffham with instructions from Mum and Shannon (who were busy in the house, painting the kitchen and doing domestic stuff) to get some haberdashery items - for curtains and toy making. Dad also needed a couple of books so, as soon as we got there, we made a beeline for the charity shops. It was also market day with lots of lovely plants and locally grown produce - I bought some asparagus for my tea. Such a lovely treat.

There are some fab shops and market stalls in Swaffham if you're into gardening or DIY - we did some manly shopping - drill bits, garden trowels, etc - and if my garden was big enough, I swear I would have bought a wheelbarrow!

We also did lunch - sitting outside a tearooms where they had very obligingly left labels on all the plants so I scribbled down some notes and took some photos - obviously!

Osteospermum "Sunny" - gorgeous colours. I definitely need this in my garden.

And virginia creeper climbing up the walls - come the autum, it'll look beautiful - orangey/ pinky/ red. 

Lunch, when it finally came - they were very busy! - was fab - crayfish sandwiches for Dad. And stilton and mushroom for me - yum!

A really good day - and definitely worth another visit.

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