Sunday 19 July 2015

Marley and Me

Finn loves other dogs and always makes friends wherever he goes - provided he and the other dogs aren't on the lead. If he's on the lead, he's a monster. And if the other dog is on the lead, they get annoyed because Finn won't leave them alone. It's a minefield!

However, he does have one special friend - aside from Sid (and, personally, I think they just tolerate one another!) - Marley.  Marley lives in the caravan next door to Andy with his Mum and Dad.  I have been told their names lots of times, but I just forget.  They're just Marley's Mum and Dad.  And, no doubt, I am Finn's Mum.  That's just the way it is with dog owners.

Marley is such a friendly little dog and spends quite a lot of time in Andy's caravan with him - it's fab that Andy has some company there, but Finn gets incredibly jealous.  I think he just wants to play with Marley all the time - Marley stands on the step of the caravan and sticks his nose over the stable door and then we have to open the door so they can have a charge around the paddock.  It's very sweet to watch.

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