Thursday 2 July 2015

Odds and Sods - June 2015

June has been a strange old month really.

I hosted this month's Knitters with Attitude and that was odd as I'd just started at Slimming World although was still in denial at the time! I made a lovely beef goulash - as per a SW recipe - but wasn't going to let anyone know, but unbeknown to me, more than half of the attendees go to Fat Club too, so I came clean and we all felt very virtuous having such a healthy tea.  However, then we had toblerone mousse and orange biscuits which rather undid all our previous good work! Who cares?!

Sid came to stay for a weekend while Amanda and Shannon went gallivanting and I had a lovely weekend with the boys - gardening and general home pottering with my constant companions!

Finn and I had a weekend at Heathrow with Andy - the weather was shocking though so we didn't do much gallivanting, we did a lot of sheltering from the rain and had a few walks while dodging the rain showers.  We did sit in a couple of pub gardens too when we could. It would have been rude not to.

I had some time this month also with my feet up with a leg injury. All a bit ridiculous really - a badly pulled calf muscle meant I was confined to home, but not able to do anything, which was frustrating.  I did get a lot of sewing done in the garden though.

It all culminated in me having another hospital visit to rule out a blood clot of all things!  Anyway, my blood is so thin (and my blood pressure and pulse are so low) that it's highly unlikely, according to the lovely nurse who looked after me after I passed out, that I'll EVER have a blood clot!  So I've also started to incorporate Guinness into my daily diet to get my iron levels up.  Any excuse, heh?

I've discovered Biddys tea room in Aylsham and have managed to go twice in a week!  Once for lunch with Viv, Emma, Octavia, Elle and Molly, and the second time for a cream tea with Shannon!

And, last weekend was incredibly sad, as we said goodbye to cousin Jim. 

It was, strangely, a lovely day, with as much laughter as there were tears and we all got to share some lovely memories.  

And, as always, the last word goes to my boy.  This was my view one morning on the pillow next to mine - what a smiling boy!

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