Sunday 5 July 2015


After our morning of spotting Shauns around London, the last Shaun brought us to the Shard and we travelled to the top to see the views - it was a beautifully clear day so we could see for miles. Now, I don't have a problem with heights at all.  However, even I felt a bit wobbly at the top of the Shard and had to hold on to whatever I could to steady my nerves - handrails, windows, Andy!   Goodness me, I wasn't expecting to feel so wibbly.

I'm actually leaning against the window here to stop myself falling over!  The viewing platforms are on level 68 and 69 and you can walk up to floor 72 where you are slightly more open to the elements - eek!

While at the top, Andy asked one of the guides if there was a restaurant we could go to, which meant we had to go all the way back to the bottom, leave the building, come in a different entrance and go back up to level 32.

It was so worth it - obviously the tables by the windows are the most popular, so you find somewhere to sit when you get there, then move nearer to the window as tables clear, until you get a prime spot.  We did it in three moves!

It was just perfect - we had dimsum, some olives and a bottle of pink Bollinger - check us out!  Just a fantastic surprise.

The olives were served in ice and rosemary - I'm definitely going to try this.

Andy made me laugh - the waiters automatically came over with iced water for us when we sat down, but Andy called the waiter over to say that he didn't like the water and could it be swopped for a beer. The waiter appreciated the joke and the water was duly swopped!  We spent a couple of hours here, enjoying the atmosphere and the view - we even saw a red kite in flight - just talking and congratulating ourselves on how lucky and spoilt we were.   

Before we left, we wanted to try the loos - we're so predictable! - and they were fab - Andy enjoyed the experience of peeing over London!  He's such a boy!  

 I didn't get to pee over London, but I did get to wash my hands with a wonderful view.

A wonderful experience. One I'll never forget.

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