Monday 24 August 2015

Blossom and Yarn - Breckles - Easter

By the time we got to Breckles - our third church - we had gone past the point of hysteria and found everything hilarious - including the toilet in the churchyard.

What was even funnier was, after standing around outside laughing at this makeshift loo shed, someone came out of there!  I hope she didn't hear us!

Breckles is another beautiful little Norfolk church - and we were absolutely blessed with the weather for our jaunt.  Nothing like a jolly through the Norfolk countryside in the sunshine.  Even the fact that we kept getting lost did nothing to dampen our spirits - as Shirley pointed out, all the signposts were removed during the War and none of them appear to have been put back again!

So, we came to the Easter celebrations - so think Easter eggs, lent lilies, daffs and bunnies - this church did exactly what it says on the tin!

And it was at Breckles church that we discovered the secret to all the models - they were all based on real people.  So the church organist looks exactly like their current church organist and the verger looks exactly like their (retired) verger.  We guessed as much because of the attention to detail of each different character.

A really beautiful church - and we're halfway there!

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