Sunday 16 August 2015

Blossom and Yarn - Great Hockham - Christmas

For our Knitters with Attitude away day this year, Shirley organised for us to visit six local churches as part of the Blossom and Yarn festival.  Each church (separate posts about each of them to follow) took a theme and basically decorated the church accordingly.  Because our away days usually happen in the summer, we're always a reduced group due to holidays and such.  But this time we were even further reduced because Shannon was suffering from a hangover and Amanda couldn't deal with the creepiness of the displays!

So, instead, Amanda and Sid went to spend the day with Mellors and his Mum, to await our return after our jaunt.  I think she was quite happy - watching the tennis with Shirley's mother-in-law, and sitting in the garden tormenting Mellors, not to mention having a lovely lunch prepared for her.  The rest of us - Shirley, Mum, me, and Shirley's neighbour and another friend, minus Mo who sadly had gotten greener and more bilious as the day went on, so left early to go home - nothing to do with my driving, I hasten to add - didn't get to have our lunch until gone four o'clock as we were having such a lovely day!

Mo had suggested we visit each of the churches in the order of where their displays fell in the calendar and I thought that was a marvellous idea, although I'm not sure the others agreed.  As it turned out, the first one we turned up to was doing "Christmas" so that was the end of that!  And actually we then got lost and did them all out of the sequence we'd initially decided on anyway!  Not the greatest planning, it has to be said.

We were issued with a passport at Great Hockham church which we got stamped at each of the subsequent churches - it was so well organised.

And the attention to detail of the displays was awe inspiring - people are so creative.

The churches themselves were beautiful with some wonderful windows and glorious rural views in their settings.

One down, five to go!

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