Saturday 14 April 2018

Odds and Sods - February 2018

February was mostly about hunkering down and trying to keep warm - plenty of photos to follow in future posts showing the amount of snow we had to deal with this year.  There was LOTS of it!

Amanda had moved in with me during January but then spent all of February gallivanting around New Zealand so Finn and I were pretty much on our own for the month, until Amanda came home at the end of the month when she and Sid moved in properly.

Sid certainly made himself at home!

And Finn - while not making Sid completely welcome - tolerated the interruption with fairly good grace.  Finn and I spend too much time together on our own so I guess it's only to be expected that we get a bit grumpy when our routines get all out of kilter.

While Amanda was away, Finn and I did take the opportunity to have our first trip down to the west country to see Andy and spend the weekend in the caravan - our first in the caravan for almost eighteen months - I bought new mugs to celebrate!

These did really tickle me, but Andy wasn't overly impressed!

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