Sunday 1 April 2018

Alnwick 2017

We love Alnwick and cannot miss out on a quick zip around the town whenever we visit.  This time was no exception although we had even more of a curtailed trip this time - I'm still not sure what possessed us to visit Northumberland for only four days!
Because it's tricky to mooch around towns, we tend to take it in turns while the other sits in the car with the boys.  I had some homework to read up on while Amanda had her turn about the town - although I'm fairly sure I managed a quick snooze in the car too!   When it came to my turn, I told Amanda I wouldn't be long and that I'd pop into Morrisons to get some food for our tea on the way back.  With that, I skipped off to Alnwick Gardens for a quick swizz around!
The only other time we've visited Alnwick Gardens before was hilarious - it was February, it had been snowing, there was absolutely nothing in bloom, but we still managed to take about 200 photos each as we spent some considerable time larking about among the sculptures!
Unfortunately dogs are not allowed in the gardens so it will be a long time before I'm allowed back in, but there was quite a lot to see around the entrance anyway and that kept me entertained for quite some time.
I was enthralled by this for ages - the gardener's cottage!   One day I will have a sign saying that too!
One day I will go to these gardens when I don't have Finn with me and when there's actually something flowering for me to look at!

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