Sunday 22 April 2018

Odds and Sods - March 2018

March was another cold month and most of the month was spent hunkering down indoors, trying to keep warm.
It was also the only full month that Amanda lived with us before she moved out!  She and Sid moved in mid January, then spent all of February in New Zealand and then spent a month with us before heading over towards North Elmham to live in the same village as Mum and Dad.

Amanda brought this chocolate back from New Zealand and it was lovely - and I ate way too much of it, despite being on my new healthy eating regime.
I'm not sure this cream, meringue and fruit concoction contributed to healthy eating either, but it was such a cold month that there was an awful lot of comfort eating going on!

Finn actually had a haircut in March.
He's so cuddly!
Tidy paws!
This makes me laugh - they are sitting in the armchair together!
Spring has sprung towards the end of the month and everything is springing into life, the blossom is gorgeous.
March was also a very sad month, in that we said goodbye to Mary, a truly heartbreaking event.  Mary has left me loads of jewellery, including her ring, which I am wearing next to mine - they tuck in beautifully together and remind me of Mary on a daily basis.

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