Wednesday 27 June 2018

Gone Fishing

Given that Andy was living here in Norwich for fifteen months and also that we have so many good lakes in Norfolk, it still surprises me that we only went fishing a handful of times in that period - I still don't know how we managed to be so rubbish!
Back at the tail end of last year, we did manage a few trips, just before Andy left for the west country.  And on both occasions, we only did day trips and left Finn at home - it was much too cold for camping out.
This site was on the way up to North Walsham, so north of Norwich.  
I couldn't actually tell if Andy caught anything as it was so cold that I spent most of the day sitting in the van with my college notes, revising for upcoming exams.  I did go out and have a wander about though while there as it was very pretty.
This chap was very handsome and very friendly, but, God, he stank!!!
To be fair, I don't think I've ever been this close to a sheep before so perhaps they all stink and I just don't know it?  Perhaps I shouldn't be singling this one out for derision?!
The second site that we went to is practically in the city itself and again we only went for the day and didn't take Finn.  This site is much busier.
If anything, this day was even colder and the pontoons were very icy and quite treacherous.  Again, I sat in the car the whole day practically, this time knitting - I was on a mission to get all my Christmas presents made!

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