Monday 11 June 2018

Odds and Sods - May 2018

I didn't realise I had such a random assortment of photos for May!  It's clearly been a bit of a random old month.
Finn playing with my slippers which he seems to think are toys - in fact, I've had to hide one down the back of the tv for now to try and save it.

My daily commute to work is so much more interesting now that everything is greening up and there are plenty of flowers.
Finn is becoming more and more cuddly - even to the point of sitting on my lap while I'm trying to study.   I don't know if it's just him getting older and more clingy, but I don't mind a bit - I can waste hours just sitting on the sofa having a cuddle with him.
My prowess at taking selfies is clearly not improving.  I've had a few nights out in May - come the summer and the lighter evenings and I really don't feel I can hibernate in my jimjams any longer.
The weight loss is carrying on very well - I've now (as I type this) lost 25.5 pounds and have been making all sorts of new recipes including the asparagus houmous above.  It was delicious but I have to admit I was getting a bit bored of it after a week - next time I will halve the quantities!
With two bank holidays in May, it's also been plant and book fair time!  Mum even got her photo in the Dereham Times looking through the gardening books!
In between studying, I've been keeping up with the woolly stuff - to calm my nerves more than anything.  I had no idea that I'd get so stressed about these last two exams - I guess that, having passed the previous six, I really don't want to stuff up now.

Finn got some post!  A shiny new name tag.
Mum and I bagged quite an impressive haul at Creake Abbey plant fair - very few plants featured on our shopping lists though!
And I've borrowed this photo from Lisa who I go to college with - she was working with her nursery on the Saturday at the plant fair and got this photo before all the hordes appeared.  It was very busy and we ended up in the car park overflow's overflow!

May has been very warm so Finn and I are tending to have our walks quite late in the evening or early in the mornings - although he always insists on a swim, whatever time of day it is!

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