Thursday 12 June 2014


I don't remember my garden ever looking so beautiful as it does this year.   We had a very mild short winter and we've not had so much rain as I remember on other years.   And we're in the middle of a lovely hot spell right now so everything is blooming.

The foxgloves are so tall!  Much taller than I am and so many of them.  Last year I think we had maybe two or three but they've completely taken over this year which I'm really happy about.  Foxgloves remind me of walking along Cornish clifftops where they grow wild.   (I'm also reminded of Cornish clifftops when I see wild violets, primroses and garlic too.)

The combination of the foxgloves and the Alnwick roses takes my breath away - especially early in the morning while I'm wandering around with a coffee before getting ready for work.  They just look extra special with that early morning light shining on them.

And now, of course, the poppies have started appearing too.  It just is the best it's ever looked out there and I couldn't be more pleased.

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