Wednesday 25 June 2014

View from my Sofa

I spend a lot of time on my sofa - I'm basically lazy.  I read (only very occasionally nowadays);  I knit (also not very much at the moment);  I do my cross stitch (I am fed up with one of the pictures on my living room wall, so have started quite a big project to hang in its place instead);  I watch a LOT of TV;  I watch Finn and the birds in the garden; and I spend a lot of time daydreaming.   So it's really important to have a good view!

I'm very lucky to have the french windows so that I can gaze outside at the garden in all weathers.   The garden changes so quickly that it's really important - for me - to be able to see it all the time.   I quite often think it would be lovely to have a Victorian terrace house, but the downside of that would be not seeing my garden all the time.  This house is perfect for my garden-viewing.   

Sadly, the view inside the house is not so gorgeous - my wool stash is growing ridiculously out of control and I really should put more of it up in the loft.  I really do need to better manage my instinct to nest and build piles around me! 

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