Saturday 14 June 2014

Tada! "Friday the 13th" Dress

My second foray into dress making was made after a rash announcement at work that I would make and wear a dress to my colleague Michael's wedding to the beautiful Emma.   What was I thinking?   I'd actually only given myself a month - which, in the end, was plenty of time - and I'd plumped for the same pattern as my first dress, so I was already ahead with cutting out patterns and all the prep.   

I chose a red polka dot fabric - but not before consulting with Michael that Emma wasn't superstitious about guests wearing red - some brides can be a bit jittery about red or green at their wedding.  But Emma's response was along the lines of "if you're going to the effort of making a dress especially for my wedding, you can wear whatever colour you want"!  Fair dos.  (Given the fact that the wedding was also on Friday the 13th, and there was a full moon, that pretty much illustrates Emma's lack of superstition!)

This dress came together much better than the original "Sew Happy" dress - I'm not sure if I'm gaining in confidence or I was just lucky with the fabric?   It also feels a wee bit more fitted, although Amanda and a couple of the other wedding guests took me aside and told me to take more in at the waist.  Don't you just hate that when you come out of the loo to a delegation of your colleagues?   I should imagine this is what it feels like to be a contestant on the Great British Sewing Bee!  Having said that, one of my colleagues (laughingly, I hope) suggested I make her wedding dress - for September - and another asked if I'd make her an outfit to wear to her nephew's wedding, also in September.  I'm really not feeling very confident about that yet, but hopefully will be ready for action at some point in the future.  It's very flattering to be asked though.

So here it is, with heels and handbag.  It's quite difficult to take any photos without Finn or Sid trying to get in on the act, so, eventually, we resorted to shutting them out in the back garden while I posed on my front doorstep.  God knows what the passing traffic thought!   I'm really pleased with this dress - this one was done entirely on my own with no tutoring or outside intervention.   And it stood up to the rigours of dancing energetically to Take That and Black Box, so I am delighted!

 I have been invited to another wedding in August, so now I just need to decide on the fabric for the next one - and perhaps pick a different pattern this time.     

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