Monday 23 June 2014

Staines Moor

I'm always surprised at the wide open spaces around Heathrow.  Andy has lived at Stanwell Moor now for about three years and there are plenty of footpaths around - but we tend to follow the same ones every time we walk Finn - simply because we know where we're going and we won't be disappointed.   However, a few weeks ago, we tried a new footpath which veered off from our favourite path - just for a bit of variety. And we have now found our new favourite!   Less than ten minutes' walk from Andy's caravan, we have found Staines Moor.

Finn loved it immediately of course as he was in the river from the start.  And he got to play with lots of other new doggy friends.  The only downside to this beautiful wide open space was that cattle had been grazed here recently so we needed to try and keep Finn away from the cow shit.   Easier said than done of course.   Which is why we positively encouraged him to keep swimming to try and get his coat clean.

As we headed towards Staines, we had to walk through a tunnel under the A30 where we found these murals, and discovered what this wide open space was called at the same time!

So the general verdict was that it was great for Finn and would make a lovely picnic spot for us, if only it wasn't for the grazing cattle and what they'd left behind!   We'll keep going back over there and monitor the cattle situation and one day, hopefully, we may get to have our picnic by the river, safe in the knowledge that Finn will remain relatively clean and sweet smelling and we'll get to eat in peace and quiet!  

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