Wednesday 30 July 2014

Blackberries and Apples

For the first time in five years, I have apples growing in my back garden.  I didn't even realise I had an apple tree!   I've had pears pretty much every year since I've been here, but now I have apples.  I also have plums - so many that they have bent the branches out of shape, although I won't be eating them this year as I have sacrificed them to the wasps so that they leave everything else alone - and also I have blackberries, tonnes of them.  

Each year, weather permitting, I try and make blackberry brandy, which I bottle into pretty bottles and give away for Christmas.   And, then, when I decant the brandy from the boozy blackberries, I put the blackberries in the freezer to make boozy berry meringue puddings.  Yum!   This year, though, I think I might be making boozy berry and apple puddings instead!  

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