Sunday 6 July 2014

Pampered Pooch

Finn has had his first ever haircut.   It's been so hot and he's such a hairy dog, and I can only brush so much of his hair out.   The internet had warned me not to get his hair cut, as collies' fur grows back really coarse and very thick and, as he's so silky, it would be a disaster.  

This visit was also fraught with anxiety - totally on my part - because it meant I'd have to leave him at the pooch parlour for four hours ... on his own.   I've never left him with a stranger before - he plays Mum and Dad up, goodness knows what he'll be like with strangers!

I needn't have worried.   He loved it - there were three other dogs in on the day Finn was there - a border terrier, a King Charles spaniel (Finn's new girlfriend!) and a labrador.   So he could play with them all day and run in and out of their garden and generally have a lovely old time.  When I went to pick him up, he didn't even want to come home.  So much for worrying.  And also feeling quite lonely - for the past five and a bit years, I've never been in the house on my own - he's been following me around the place forever!   It felt quite odd not having him here.  But, despite all that, he's a very handsome boy again!

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