Wednesday 2 July 2014


This year, we celebrate - although I'm not sure that is an appropriate word - one hundred years since the start of World War I.   It is also the 70th anniversary of the D Day Landings of World War II.   There has been plenty of highly charged and emotional TV coverage which has reminded us how far we've come. As part of the remembrance celebrations, over the past year a national campaign has been running to get us all to sow poppy seeds as far and as wide as we can.   Now, we live in Norfolk and the fields and hedgerows are full of them - I did my bit by scattering poppy seeds along grass verges, but mainly I've been sowing them in my garden.  And they are gorgeous.

The sadness about poppies is that they flower so briefly, but they bring a beautiful pop of colour when they are in bloom.   And of course the seed heads are literally bursting with seed - you only have to knock them as you walk past and you're guaranteed a wonderful show of colour the following year.

Couldn't resist a couple of photos of the foxgloves - not quite so highly coloured, but I like to think they bring a mellowness to the garden with their more muted colours.

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