Tuesday 8 July 2014

Tada! "Action Man" Pyjama Pants

Andy is a man of very simple tastes when it comes to what he wants for his birthday.    When he's buying for himself, there is no scrimping or saving.  But when I ask him what he wants, it's always something low key - I'm assuming he is mindful of my financial situation - knowing full well that he'll be bailing me out at the end of the month if I've had a splurge on him!

So, this year, when I asked him what he would like for his birthday, he requested a camouflage pillow case.  Just that.   For his camp bed when we go on our fishing trips.   So that is what I made him - with much swearing.  I downloaded a free pattern from the internet and got on pretty much OK with it, until I realised I had sewn the flap in back to front.   That was soon remedied with one of our own pillow cases for reference and my new best friend - my seam ripper!  

I was thrilled with it, just what Andy wanted.   However, there was an awful lot more fabric left over and I thought that a pillow case was a bit meagre as a birthday present.  What to do?  I know!  Pyjama bottoms!  Having made Nicholas' pair over the course of a weekend, I thought I'd have another go - and they are ace!

Andy is quite small in stature - although giant in personality! - so I didn't bother to hem them before wrapping them up for his birthday.  So we needed a trying on session and now they are four inches shorter and perfect.   I'm on a pyjama pants roll .....

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