Tuesday 10 March 2015

Odds and Sods - February 2015

February has been another busy month - I've had a couple of job interviews which, sadly, didn't come to anything but have been a real confidence boost as I very nearly got there.  Onwards and upwards!

I've been pretty domesticated - not so much in the house, but certainly in the garden - the weather has improved sufficiently so that I can spend quite a chunk of time gardening at the weekends. I can't wait until the evenings are so light that I can work out there in the evenings too. The crocuses are everywhere, I've got hyacinths in my front garden and the daffs are about to break into flower. I love spring!

And I've had a lovely weekend with Andy - minus Finn - down in London and I've booked a Cornish holiday. It's that time of year to plan holidays and lovely weekends away.

My "odds and sods" post is mainly for things that don't merit their own blog post, but which I don't want to forget completely.

I've been practising with my super zoomy lens again - this cat is laying on a shed roof three houses away. How fab is that?  (Sadly, when a sparrowhawk - yes, a SPARROWHAWK! - landed in my garden last weekend and sat on the pergola for a while, I wasn't quick enough with the camera to get photographic evidence. Apparently - according to wikipedia - this isn't as rare an event as you would think - because we're all cultivating wildlife areas in our urban gardens, birds of prey are finding ready meals within our gardens nowadays!)

I've been doing some sewing.

Shannon gave me a "pin dog" and I love him!

I've made some more fish - the beautiful oriental fabric for Katherine, and the rosy fish for Molly Rose, who is a month old this week.  Where did that month go?

Here is Sid cuddling Mac!

And here he is with his pink cushion.  What a pansy!

I spotted this Easter Island Head garden planter on our walk to the park and I NEED one of these in my garden, planted up with some wacky floral headgear.   (I'm loving that the evenings are so light that I can take Finn over the park after work and he can run around off the lead. When the evenings are so dark, our walks are confined to pavement pounding, a not very pleasant experience for either of us. I love it when I can let Finn off the lead - tonight he had a lovely time running around with Freddie the Rottweiler.)

I bought new boots - £2.99 in the charity shop near where I work.  Gorgeous!

More domestic bliss in evidence - Amanda stayed at mine and looked after Finn when I abandoned him to go to London for the weekend, so I had to make sure she was happy.  I left her with spinach and cranberry quiche, and chicken balti. She even brought her own tupperware with her to take the leftovers home!

Finn being a real cutie as always.

And this photo made me laugh - Mary sent it to me for Andy.  Andy did tell me that he'd never wait that long - he'd always go to the pub instead!

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