Sunday 8 March 2015

Seeds and Stuff - February 2015

When I posted the first of my "Seeds and Stuff" posts for January, I wrote that, if I had nothing to post by the end of each month, it was because I'd failed in my gardening endeavours for that month.  Well, I promise I haven't failed for February, I just hadn't managed to post anything.  But all of the photos and words in this post are relevant to February - I haven't strayed into March with any of this!

I'm feeling much happier about the garden already this year - I think that, last year, I just got overwhelmed with how much there was to do.  But this year I already have a little system in place - I'm spending a minimum of two to three hours a weekend out there, even last weekend in the rain.  I got soaked!   But I'm concentrating on a quarter of the garden each time I'm out there, instead of looking at it as a whole.   So two quarters of the garden are now looking really lovely!   The other half still has some work to do on it, but we'll get there.

I've cleared as much of the old brown grass as I could get to, and have also tried to get as much of the bramble out as I can - that bloody thing is driving me mad.  I love the blackberries - obviously - but it is rampaging around the garden like a thug.   The orange lily bulbs are coming along nicely - when they're much bigger and of course when they're in flower, I won't see my moon gazing hare, but he's looking very sweet surrounded by budding greenery for now!

Mum has said that she thinks my primroses have mutated into something that isn't a primrose!   Apparently they don't look quite "right" to her, but I still love them.

I'm still having trouble with the fence at the back of the garden - but at least now I know that it's MY tree that is pulling down THEIR fence.  Andy has said that he will sort out a fence panel when he's next here, but in the meantime, I'm trying to barricade up that bit of the garden so that Finn can't escape.  He has been known to explore the local neighbourhood - I've seen him from the upstairs windows having a right old birthday in a garden three up from mine before now! I've moved a load of pots up to that corner of the garden and the long term plan will be to have lots of bedding plants there.  A little pop of colour in an otherwise abandoned corner.

So, overall, the garden is looking a wee bit neater than usual, but there's still a long way to go yet.  

So, now to this month's seed sowings ... and it's mainly flowering things this time.   As part of the above-mentioned flower corner, I thought it would be fun to sow the flower seeds to go in the pots.  Obviously, some of the above - namely the delphiniums and echinaceas - will probably be too big for pots but I will find a little home for them too.

(This was the music of choice for this month's seed sowing!)

This is all that's showing so far from January's seed sowing - Finn and I will be ok for carrots, if nothing else!

And, speaking of Finn - when am I not?! - here he is looking adorable, sitting by the back fence as he'd heard Geoffrey - my lovely 84 year old neighbour - come into his back garden so was expecting doggy chews any time soon.  I love the way these two look after each other when I'm at work during the week - they are lovely friends!

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