Sunday 13 September 2015

Kaiser Chiefs at Newmarket

Following Amanda's decision to Complete Fifty Things Before Becoming Fifty, I was furnished with a list - not sure why?  Have I become Entertainments Manager or something?  Anyhoo, while giving the list a quick glance, I noticed that going to see more live music acts was on there, along with various other sporting events.  Given that, at the time, we were heading towards the summer, I had a brainwave and checked out the Newmarket Nights website.  This is where the enterprising race course books a handful of music acts over the summer to boost attendance.  I've never been before but, living in Norfolk, you can't fail to have heard of this (along with the Thetford Forest summer concerts also).  I knew that Rachel was going to see Kylie on one of the Newmarket nights so thought I'd check out who we might fancy seeing.   (I know - Kylie in Newmarket!!)  Within the space of fifteen minutes - it really WAS that quick - I'd ascertained we could see the Kaiser Chiefs, I emailed Amanda to check, she emailed back with a one word reply - YES! - and I booked tickets.  Job done!  The extra bonus is that it would provide a fab start to my birthday weekend also.  

Amanda had not been racing and betting before.  I had been loads of times, but never without Andy to advise me.  So we each had set aside a little bit of money we were prepared to lose and that would be it - I have often been horseracing where I've never had a single winner, so I wasn't expecting much.   Jim - who owns horses so knows quite a bit about them - sent me a list of what he would bet on in each race and I kept that list in my pocket all the time and referred to it before each race, but totally ignored the choices - except for one, which I would have chosen anyway.  It did win!

We met some friends of Amanda's while there - which was crazy.  She knew they would be there but the place was mobbed so to accidentally bump into them was a huge stroke of luck.

We did get rather hysterical during the proceedings - for one novice and one habitual loser, we managed to get four winners out of seven and each came home with loads more money than we went with - especially as they were all quite high odds.  

It was hilarious!  There was lots of squealing and jumping up and down!

And then the band came on!   They were brilliant - we were miles from the stage but actually I didn't care that much - at least we had more room to do some crazy dancing.  We witnessed quite a LOT of crazy dancing actually - most of it alcohol induced - but everyone was having a lovely time and it was all very good natured.

This picture was not alcohol related, although it looks like it could be.  I didn't bother taking my big camera with me, just my 'phone camera, which has the most blindness inducing flash ever.  And because I'd stuffed up the first photo, we were still incapacitated from that one to pose nicely for the second photo!  

What a fab day - really enjoyed it and I've now joined the mailing list so hopefully we can be as quick booking any tickets we fancy for next year too!

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