Wednesday 9 September 2015

Odds and Sods - August 2015

August has been a strange old month - lots of quiet bits with the odd bit of frantic activity thrown in too!

Finn has been looking beautiful in August - he's had a very posh haircut but he's also had lots of baths due to the amount of shit he's rolled in too - bloody dog!

Andy has been up for a weekend and Finn and I have also been down to Heathrow to stay with Andy too.  Both weekends were very relaxing - spending quality time together eating and drinking nice food and wine, and lots of chatting.

Mary has been up for a weekend and we've been dragon-hunting - post to follow.   Norwich has been taken over by dragons this summer - eighty-four large and fifty small dragons have been part of an art trail around the city and have brightened up the city no end.   They were all taken away last weekend which is incredibly sad - when you see them every day for months on end, you tend to take them for granted.  I shall miss them.

And Amanda and I have been camping - we had a five day break at Hevingham - another post to follow.  (I really must get my finger out!)  We did some lovely walks and spent the time relaxing, reading, drinking real coffee and eating too many bad chocolatey things!

I haven't done too much gardening - the weather has been a bit grim and of course the nights are really drawing in now so I can't potter about so much after work.

It feels really autumnal and I've started shopping for Christmas, much as I hate to admit it.   It just feels like that time of year now - and I've even got the knitting needles out again!  I am determined not to put my heating on until after my holiday though, but, as that's not until the middle of November, I may very well change my mind about that!

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