Thursday 17 September 2015

The Agapanthus Returns!

Apparently, agapanthus are notoriously shy of flowering - which is such a shame as they really are beautiful.   The agapanthus in my garden haven't flowered for two years now - this blog is so useful to monitor what flowers and when - if nothing else, it's a really useful catalogue.

A lot of plants in my garden are grown in pots, or in the massive bits of pipe that Andy pilfered from work and which I've disguised with bricks to make them look like walls.  But these beauties have been planted straight into the ground - Mum helped me with this job soon after I moved here - previously to that, they had been in pots.

It only occurred to me recently that not all the greenery surrounding these belonged to the agapanthus.  We had dug up a horrible old yukka from this spot in the garden to get the agapanthus in, but we obviously hadn't got all the roots out because the yukka is growing up again in the middle so I need to deal with that sooner rather than later.  (Similarly, another yukka which I thought we had got up is sending spiky shoots up through my spuds in the front garden.)

I've tried to raise seeds before but never had much luck.  However, I've saved some of the seed pods as these have gone over and I'm going to have another go.   I do think though that a garden centre visit might be in order, I have a hankering for a white version for next summer!

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